Since 1984 we have endeavored to bring the ultimate knitting experience to discerning knitters. We want you to love every
stitch that you make and we strive to deliver the level of quality, ingenuity and delightful surprises that will keep
you knitting.
Introducing Chroma Noir:
Our collection of twelve harmonious
colors that have been deepened for fall. Like Chroma, Chroma Noir
colors are designed to work together in any combination. The
twelve colors are also compatible as darker versions of the
original Chroma colors, so the selection of light and dark color
combinations as well as adjacent or accent colors becomes a snap!
Available now in Petite Madison & Radiant Petite Madison,
Mia2 and
See the full collection here!
Meet Chroma:
Prism's collection of twelve harmonious colors designed
to work together in any trio, as seen in No. 15 "Curve" on page 55
of Vogue Knitting Spring/Summer 2020. Or opt for a larger selection
to use in any gradient colorwork. Available now in
Petite Madison & Radiant Petite Madison,
Mia2 and
See the full collection here!
Creative Director and founder Laura M. Bryant trained as a fine artist in color and textiles and is a life-long knitter.
She brings her passion to creating two seasons yearly of new
yarns, colors
and designs for knitters' enjoyment.
These pages contain the most complete information we have for Prism Yarns. While we can't guarantee that colors will
look the same on every monitor, Laura takes every photo herself and then color-corrects on a calibrated monitor for
the truest representation. Although not every yarn is shown in every color, most yarns are available in our full range.
Paint & Purls: Laura Bryant's World of Color
One of my friends knits the most beautiful sweaters, and most times when I ask her what the pattern or yarn is,
it's from Prism Yarns by Laura Bryant. Laura is the designer and creative force behind Prism Yarns, a company
that produces exquisite hand-dyed yarns created with an artist's eye...
Click here to learn more about Laura and her design process.
Prism is the exclusive manufacturer of Stuff Yarns™.
Thirty to Forty individually hand-dyed, color and gauge-coordinated yarns
that are tied together end-to-end by hand. When knit, the yarns change from one to another in varying lengths.
In addition to our family of Stuff™ Yarns, we hand-dye a full range of classic, luxury and fashion fibers
as can be seen here in our Yarn Collection.